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Protection for medical personnel of the IMSS La Raza National Medical Center.

On May 4, 2020, Acedo Santamarina, S.C., in collaboration with Fundación Barra Mexicana, A.C., filed an amparo lawsuit on behalf of thirty-three specialists and residents in the area of ophthalmology assigned to the High Specialty Medical Unit (UMAE) Hospital General “Dr. Gaudencio González Garza” of the Centro Médico Nacional La Raza of the Instituto Mexicano […]

SAT suspends deadlines and legal terms

On May 4, 2020, the sixth anticipated version of the First Resolution of Amendments to the Miscellaneous Tax Resolution for 2020 was published on the Tax Administration Service (“SAT”) website.

Extension of time to file annual tax returns

Pursuant to Article 150 of the Income Tax Law, individuals who obtain income in a calendar year, except for exempt income and income for which definitive tax has been paid, are required to pay the annual tax through a tax return to be filed in April of the following year.

New 6% IVA withholding tax

Our partner Rafael Tena Castro was invited to be part of the Committee for the ninth edition of the specialized publication “Legal”, a supplement of the newspaper El Economista in collaboration with vLex.

Increase in the IEPS rate

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 74, Section IV, second paragraph of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, the Federal Executive shall submit to the Chamber of Deputies the Income Law Initiative and the Federal Expenditure Budget Bill no later than September 8, and the corresponding Secretary of State shall appear before the […]

Tax remission is eliminated

The Decree became effective the day after its publication, i.e. May 21, 2019, and will be in force until 2024.