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Implementation of the New National Civil and Family Procedures Code and extinction of 35 civil and family courts in Mexico City

On June 13, 2024, the Judiciary of Mexico City published in the Judicial Gazette General Agreements 43-17/2024, 44-17/20214 and 45-17/2024 in which it was determined to approve: (i) the guidelines for the process of extinction of Civil and Family courts of the Superior Court of Justice of Mexico City, (ii) the extinction of 24 Civil courts and 11 Family courts, both of Written Process, in the period from June 17 to November 29, 2024, and (iii) the reassignment of jurisdiction regarding commercial enforcement trials and divorce proceedings and consequences inherent to the dissolution of the marriage.


These extinctions are due to the implementation of the new National Civil and Family Procedures Code published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on June 7, 2023, and to the transition from written to oral courts.


Among the published agreements are the actions to be carried out by the courts, the Judiciary Council of Mexico City and the judicial support areas, in the process of extinction and distribution of the trials that are in process.


The 24 Civil Courts and 11 Family Courts of Written Process to be extinguished are the following:

Finally, with respect to (i) commercial enforcement proceedings and (ii) divorce proceedings and the consequences inherent to the dissolution of the marriage, it is specified that, as of June 17, 2024, such proceedings must be filed before the oral courts.


Marcos Castro



Marcos Fabián Castro Cano

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