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Balance in Society: Pro-bono Labor

Economic and social inequality is one of the greatest challenges facing our society. This situation translates into the impossibility of certain people to exercise their rights, make themselves heard and have the same opportunities as others, which causes a clear social inequity and detriment to public order. In the legal sphere, this inequality is reflected […]

Tax treatment of the sale of non fungible tokens (“NFT’s” or “NFT’s”) by individuals residing in Mexican territory through digital platforms under Mexican tax legislation

The advent of the digital era requires lawyers to update themselves in order to understand and adapt legal rules to the new reality. With the digital era have come cryptocurrencies and, recently, NFTs. NFT’s can be understood as digital certificates of authenticity over units of value or assets stored on the blockchain, linked -attached or […]

Gender Parity

March 8, the official day for the vindication of equality between men and women, is a commemoration of the struggle that women have had throughout the centuries to achieve their rights and develop in a society that is equitable and just.

The State of Audience Rights in Mexico

On June 11, 2013, a Decree was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation amending and adding various provisions of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States regarding telecommunications and economic competition (the “Telecommunications Reform”).