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Possible reforms related to streaming services

Last September 12, 2019, Senator Ricardo Monreal Ávila, member of the MORENA parliamentary group, presented in the Senate an initiative to reform the Value Added Tax Law and the Federal Telecommunications and Broadcasting Law.

Implications of the 2020 economic crisis for the financial factoring market

As acknowledged by the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the country will face an inevitable economic crisis this year, mainly due to Covid-19, as well as the collapse in oil prices, the fall of the stock market, among other factors. This crisis, like any other, generates uncertainty as to the consequences it will […]

Suspension of jurisdictional activities

Based on the provisions of Articles 1, third paragraph, and 4, fourth paragraph, of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, which bind the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) to adopt the necessary measures to protect the health of all persons, and considering the risk implied by the health contingency derived […]

General Health Council Formally Installed

As a consequence of the current pandemic caused by COVID-19, as pointed out by the World Health Organization on March 11, 2008, there was still no formal declaration of a sanitary emergency in Mexico until yesterday, despite the fact that the Mexican Constitution expressly states that in case of serious epidemics, the General Health Council […]

New 6% IVA withholding tax

Our partner Rafael Tena Castro was invited to be part of the Committee for the ninth edition of the specialized publication “Legal”, a supplement of the newspaper El Economista in collaboration with vLex.